Thursday, June 11, 2009

Speaking of answered prayer...

Here's one that I didn't blog about but that I always think about when I wonder if we're crazy (which is more often than you may think)...

We had been thinking and praying about Clarksville for months, just wondering when we should actually go. We kept thinking about all the things in 2009 that were still coming up and the date for moving kept getting pushed back. We finally realized that there would always be a reason for us NOT to go, and at some point, we need to just do it. So, on Saturday, October 16, we decided at the end of May, we'd go for it.

Well, 4 months later, in February, we flew back to Tennessee for one final scouting trip. We were pretty sure it was Clarksville, but we also wanted to check out Mt. Juliet. We quickly knew that Clarksville was the place. We visited a few pastors and churches that week - some Calvarys and some not. One pastor we met with was Jerry McAnulty who is the pastor of Calvary Chapel Rivergate (the first Calvary in TN). He said they were really excited that we were coming out to Clarksville, gave us a tour of the church, and prayed for us. On the way out, he told us, "Hey we're so glad you're coming to Clarksville to plant a church. In fact, last October we had a pastors' conference and we were specifically praying for someone to come to Clarksville to start a church!" Wow! So cool! We were the people they were praying for!

Here's the coolest part though: I realized that he had said that the pastors conference was in October, so I called him back and asked when that was. October 16. Of course. Little did we know that our decision to go 4 months earlier was an answer to prayer from a group of pastors 1200 miles away. Little did they know that God was answering their prayers immediately 1200 miles away! None of us would find out till 4 months later!

God is good and I love that He hears us and answers us!

Read the previous blog about another way God answered prayers recently.

You can also read a blog from last week about getting involved with praying for our summer outreaches. Check that blog out HERE.

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