Sunday, May 17, 2009

On your marks, get set, GROW!

This weekend, Skip is teaching on the first half of a very famous
verse- Acts 2:42. He's talking about the purpose of the church and
about growing through systematic Bible study and application of God's
Word. Each Saturday night after service, he has a call-in radio show
from 8-9pm where he discusses the message a little further. Since I'm
leaving in a month, and have GROWN at Calvary and now am GOING from
Calvary, they asked me to come on the show and talk about what I'm
doing. It was a lot of fun! Of course whenever someone said I'm moving
to Clarksville, Skip had to interject that I'm taking the last train
to Clarksville (as the old Monkees song says). I shared about the
process I went through in being trained in ministry, and the years of
prayer that went in to this move. It was great being able to share and
really exciting to continue to think ahead about what God will do with
us! We pull into town exactly one month from today- June 17th!

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