Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Marriage is SO dramatic!

No, my marriage isn't on the rocks, but many couples' are. That's actually the title of my message for tonight when I speak at Calvary Albuquerque as a part of their summer series on relationships, "Beyond the Summer of Love". I'll be sharing from Ephesians 5:22-33 about the Biblical roles of marriage and our part in the great drama of marriage. When I use the word "drama", I use it in 2 ways...

1) There's plenty of drama that unfolds when 2 sinners attempt to love each other unconditionally and submit to each other (not just the wife to the husband - check Ephesians 5:21). That particular type of drama - bickering, arguments, fights, selfishness is what eventually leads to many marriage shipwrecks.

2) The other type of the drama is a much more positive kind. This type of drama is the acting type (think Broadway). Ephesians 5:32 says "This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church." That verse is small and easy to look over, but it sheds a whole new light on the topic of marriage when you realize that there's a 3rd dimension to marriage besides the normal 2 dimensions of husband and wife. THAT drama is the real reason behind Godly, Biblical marriage. God never intended it to be about you and your spouse. Marriage is meant as a dramatic representation of Christ's love for His church. No wonder the Bible speaks against being yoked together with an unbeliever. That would be like trying to get a llama to play the part of Romeo in Shakespeare's tragedy. There's no point in even attempting - the llama will never truly understand what he's supposed to do. Same with an unbeliever - how will he/she ever really grasp the picture of Christ and the church that they're trying to act out if he/she has never personally experienced it? It's also no wonder that God hates divorce (check Malachi 2:16). God will NEVER divorce His wife (us, the church), so divorce in a Christian marriage ruins the drama that should be acted out.

I can't wait to share what God has showed me on this topic tonight. It's been insane trying to study in between naps, meals, and the graveyard shift, but every moment has been rewarding. I LOVE teaching. It's a calling - not many people would find endless hours of prep for a 50-minute message enjoyable. Many people get queazy even thinking about standing in front of 2,000 people. I love it. I love the challenge. I love the conviction. I love the opportunity. The fact that I get to teach from the same pulpit that many world-renowned Bible teachers have taught from is incredibly humbling and very exciting. It's crazy to think that I left Calvary Albuquerque as a pastor and return as a graveyard shift janitor, but I love the humility that God has forced into my life (and believe me, I've put up plenty of resistance). By God's grace, I'm being humbled and will continue to be as we journey through planting a church and seeing God work.

If you're in Albuquerque, swing by tonight at the service and say hey. If not, tune in to the live webcast at! I hope it blesses you like it has blessed me.

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