Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Kill Them With Kindness

Romans 2:4 - Or do you despise ​​the riches of His goodness, ​​forbearance, and ​​longsuffering, ​​not knowing that the goodness of God leads you to repentance?

There have been times in my life where someone has wronged me deeply. We've all been there. Whether it was a broken promise, an overlooked issue, or someone simply acting out of anger, we've all been wronged. Once, when someone had hurt me very deeply, my reaction was this: "I'll make sure that whenever they see me, I'm very angry and hurt. That way, they'll see how much they hurt me and want to repent." Needless to say, that didn't work. Think about it personally - if you found out that God was angry and hurt because you sinned against Him (honestly, He has every right to be angry and hurt), would that make you want to turn from your sin and repent? Absolutely not. So what drew us to Christ? It certainly wasn't that He was mad at us - it was the very opposite. One day, our eyes were opened to the fact that we had sinned against the holy, righteous Creator of the universe and some of us probably thought, "Uh oh. He's probably out to get me." The thing that shocked us and brought us to our knees in repentance, however, is the fact that He wasn't mad at us. In fact, He was very unmad at us: He loved us unconditionally and was ready to forgive with arms wide open! It's that kindness that led us to repentance.

Almost every day, you and I are faced with opportunities to show that kindness to others. Maybe it's someone who has wronged you very deeply. No one will wrong you worse than how you wronged God, and He forgave you. Who are you to hold something against someone else? Go out of your way today to show someone the kindness of Christ. Kill them with kindness and watch God change their heart.

You can also join us tomorrow night or grab the podcast later this week as we wrap up our "Be Transformed" series in Romans 12:17-21. We'll look at how to treat enemies like friends. It's not easy, but it is doable. Read ahead and hopefully we'll see you there!

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