Tuesday, February 9, 2010

This Time Last Year

This time last year, we were a family of 3. Technically, we were a family of 4, but we didn't know quite yet.
This time last year, we still lived in New Mexico, but we weren't there. We were here. We were making our final scouting trip to Clarksville, praying about whether or not this was the place for us to move. Only our families and my boss knew where we were. Our youth group, leaders, and most of our friends just thought we were taking a little va-cay. It was hardly a vacation! It was a whirlwind of meetings, trying to network with people, touring houses, and scouting out buildings. We even attended a Wednesday night church service, and of course spent a lot of time in prayer.

This time last year, God confirmed to us that we were in the right spot and gave me the vision for Awaken Church Clarksville!

This time last year, Denver, one of the Awaken Pastoral Interns, didn't quite know if he was ready to move. He came with Jenn, Emery, and I to see if this was the place for him. He caught Clarksville fever while he was here and decided this would be his first move away from home! No one knew he went with us - we thought that might raise the suspicion a little. None of us would have thought that exactly a year from that date - February 6, 2010, Denver would be guest speaking for me while I was out of town (listen to his message in our teaching archive or our podcast).

This time last year, AJ Villegas, who would take my spot as middle school youth pastor, was just serving as a volunteer. I had only known him for about 3 months, but I knew he was the one to take my job!

It's pretty amazing to look back at where we were a year ago, but it's even more amazing to look at what God is doing now and look forward to what He has in store for the future. I have my dreams, but I know God's are much bigger!

If I write a blog in February of 2011 called "This Time Last Year", I wonder what will have happened by then.
Only God knows!

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